Virginia Larceny Attorney

Although theft charges, especially regarding low-value items, might initially appear fairly minor, a thefVirginia Larceny Attorney
conviction may have negative consequences that could follow you for many years, both professionally and personally. Since theft is inherently a crime of dishonesty, higher education institutions, landlords, and employers may have an unfavorable opinion of theft convictions when trying to start a new career, rent an apartment, or further your education.

So if you are faced with any theft charge, you might want to consult with a Virginia theft attorney before making any decisions or taking any actions for your case. A skilled and experienced criminal defense lawyer can advocate for you and help fight the allegations you face.

Grand and Petit Larceny in Virginia

In the Commonwealth of Virginia, many theft crimes are classified as larceny. The specific level of larceny charged in a theft offense will depend on the value and nature of the stolen item. For items valued at under $1,000, petit larceny will be the charge, a misdemeanor criminal offense.

Under the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Code § 18.2-96, the theft of an item from others directly with a value of under $5 is classified as petit larceny. Due to this very low-value threshold for stolen items, you can easily face grand larceny charges in Virginia if the item is taken from another and the value is $5 or more.

The charge will be grand larceny, a felony criminal offense, for the theft of items with a more than $1,000 value or over $5 directly stolen from others. Under Virginia law, some stolen items are classified as a felony or grand larceny, like firearms, no matter their actual value.

Larceny Penalties in Virginia

For a Class 1 misdemeanor petit larceny conviction, the penalty is potentially a fine of as much as $2,500 or a jail sentence of as long as 12 months. In a retail theft case, typically, the individual will be prohibited from returning to the retailer’s property.

The potential penalty on grand larceny convictions can range from a one to a 20-year jail sentence. However, any incarceration sentence can be much shorter depending on the facts and criminal history of the individual. Along with incarceration, it may result in a fine as high as $2,500. Grand larceny or any felony conviction may also include other repercussions, such as being unable to vote or having the right to carry or possess a firearm.

Given how serious a grand larceny felony conviction can be, you should consult with a Virginia larceny attorney before you plead guilty or enter a plea agreement to a criminal charge.

First-Time Offenders and Deferred Findings

Many jurisdictions in Virginia offer programs for first-time offenders, which may allow people in some situations to defer their charges for a certain period. If these individuals complete certain requirements and do not have any additional problems, their charges might be dismissed.

However, remember that deferred findings cannot be expunged and will stay on a person’s criminal record. Also, people who do not meet the first-time offender program’s requirements might still get a criminal conviction. Consult a Virginia larceny attorney for more information on participating in a first-time offender program or deferred findings.

Speak to a Virginia Theft Lawyer

Whether you are faced with grand or petit larceny charges, receiving a theft conviction may have adverse consequences for several years for your professional and personal life. Therefore, before making any attempts to get your larceny charges resolved by yourself, consider the benefits you can receive from a larceny attorney in Virginia giving you legal advice.

An experienced and skilled Virginia larceny attorney from Bississo Law, P. C. can explain the potential consequences of receiving a criminal theft conviction and what options might be available for resolving your case.